One Mom's View

Raising my daughter around the world

Throngs of People October 16, 2012

Our first day was spent exploring Colombo.  We drove around, visited temples (Hindu and Buddhist), and ate local food. The conference was in Negombo, though, so we stayed in that small beach town not far from the airport or Colombo.

When we finally made it to the beach we were shocked. Unlike many Asian countries, which enjoy the beach and water from afar (maybe a quiet walk in the cool of the day or huddling under stationary beach chairs and umbrellas), the beach was packed with people and food vendors. Families were playing in the waves, kids were flying kites, and there were throngs of people. This was not a tourist beach so the little blond-haired girl of our group really stuck out.

Sri Lankans were fascinated by Ellie. You could watch the heads all turn as we walked down the beach or played in the water with her. A few times, people even came right up to her and picked her up! Luckily, Ellie is starting to assert her wishes and desires, and quickly and resolutely told them no. Even as I stepped closer to Ellie to intervene, I proudly watched as she didn’t freak out but expressed herself and made herself understood. I guess NO! in a stern voice is understood around the world.

I felt caught between letting Ellie assert herself (which she did readily and without prompting) and wanting to protect her and rescue her. It is not an easy line to walk. How do you draw that line in your children’s lives?