One Mom's View

Raising my daughter around the world

Family Time with God April 27, 2013

We started a new family tradition in our home recently. At the end of every week we gather together to have a time of thanksgiving and communion as a family. It is a wonderful way to recap our week as we go around and say what we are thankful for from the week. We take turns saying one thing we are thankful for and then going around the circle again and again until we run out of things to say. We then thank God and remember what Jesus did on the cross for us in communion. We conclude by lifting the coming week in prayer. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite times of the week.

How much do we expect Ellie to join in our time? I mean, she’s only 2. On the days when she isn’t interested or full of energy, we ask her to start with us and then call her back for each successive part. A screaming, whining, or otherwise distracting child really isn’t conducive to offering thanksgiving. It’s hard to be thankful at those moments. But Andy and I want to have family rhythms of spiritual times built into lives, into the fabric of our family. To do this, we need to start these patterns, these traditions, now, even before Ellie fully gets what we are doing, or so we thought.

The last time we gathered for our time of thanksgiving, Ellie surprised us. We started by asking what are we thankful for, and Ellie named off 3 or 4 different things and listened as we shared one by one. Ellie briefly scampered away as we did communion and then sat back down for prayer time. As we talked about what to pray for, Ellie offered her own prayer requests. Andy or I would pray about that issue and then Ellie would ask to pray more, and more, and more. We sat as a family for over 20 minutes talking and praying. And we thought she was too young to fully understand.

God continues to remind me that we need to be intentional to disciple Ellie. We can’t think that we won’t include her until a set time, as she is ready now for something. I don’t want to force it, but I want to immerse Ellie in it. I want to make it so much a part of our lives that Ellie wants to join in for herself.

How do/did you include your children in times of spiritual things?


Happy Thanksgiving November 22, 2012

While I try to be thankful about what I have all year long, it is easy to get caught up in the mundane. To focus on the things at hand. To see the close up of what is happening day in and day out.

Thanksgiving is a great time to recapture the big picture. It gives me the chance to step back and reflect on life, to see the areas where I am blessed. Yes, I’m half a world away from family and Ellie only gets to know them via Skype and phone calls. But stepping back doesn’t have to lead to the negative. I have a loving husband and a healthy growing little girl. Ellie is experiencing another culture and learning a second language. We have a fun loving puppy. God is working here in Thailand. We have good Internet and can call our families often so that Ellie has relationships with them, not just a picture to look at. I feel blessed and thankful this year.

In looking at the big picture, I often see things that I take for granted. A friend recently asked for the things we are thankful for specifically in Thailand, to help her find highlights as she adjusts to this country. As we shared, I was reminded how nice it is to have easy to buy cheap food, and healthy too, almost everywhere we go. Easy, cheap transportation and only needing one season of clothes also topped the list. Even things that drive me crazy at times, like cooking down a pumpkin to make pumpkin pie, are blessings. We don’t eat nearly the amount of processed foods in Thailand because the “healthy” ones just aren’t available, or are too expensive to buy regularly. This time of year helps me to sit down and reflect, and in reflecting finding more and more to be thankful for.

What are some of the things you are thankful for this year?