One Mom's View

Raising my daughter around the world

Toddler Selfies April 22, 2013

Filed under: Family,Parenting,Thailand,Toddler — swimntina @ 8:00 pm
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Technology is changing the world around in very quickly. Iphones and Ipads are common place items in many homes today. When I was Ellie’s age, we didn’t have a computer. I still remember our first computer. We wrote out the DOS codes so we would know how to open the write programs. That cheat sheet was essential to our using the computer. We didn’t have to have limits to our screen time, as we mainly only had educational activities and games on the computer. We had limited TV time, but the computer was only an occasional activity that we choose.

Fast forward to today, Ellie begs to use my Ipad nightly and knows how to use Iphones, even though Andy and I don’t have one. She can convince visitors to allow her to borrow their phones to play games and look at pictures. Once she sees an Iphone, she asks by name to use it every time we jump in a taxi or are sitting and waiting somewhere. Thais don’t generally use Iphones, as they prefer android phones, so Iphones are a treat for when we have visitors or teams from America.

As a thank you for being able to use their phone, Ellie makes sure to take selfies of herself. She wants to remind them of her and their trip to Thailand. Now if it was only 1 or just a few selfies the people would be happy, maybe even enjoy the toddler pics. But Ellie is not content to take just a few pictures of herself. No, she generally takes more than 20 pictures at a time. With the ceiling, or just the top of her hair, or maybe her eyes. If you are really lucky, then she will capture her whole face for the picture, but those are rare.

Ellie wants to say thank you to everyone who has let her use her their Iphone for games or to view pictures.