One Mom's View

Raising my daughter around the world

There is Wonder Everywhere April 17, 2014

Filed under: Family,Parenting,Toddler — swimntina @ 2:57 pm
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The other afternoon I made a pineapple smoothie for Ellie. It was the simplest of smoothies with only frozen pineapple chunks, ice, and water, but Ellie thought it tasted amazing. We have since had that same smoothie about 3 or 4 times. But I digress from my story. As I handed Ellie her smoothie I grabbed a large straw so she could drink it easily. She began to enjoy her smoothie and then realized that the straw was clear, and she could see the liquid coming up the straw as she drank. Not only that, but with the thickness of the smoothie, she could control how fast she sucked and watch as it flowed up the straw quickly or slowly. The “game” soon turned into suction control as Ellie manipulated the smoothie up and down the straw. Up an inch, down a half an inch, all the way into her mouth, watch it fall a third of the way down before drawing it back up the straw and into her mouth.


Found in a common occurrence, something we do on a regular basis.

Wonder, found in drinking with a straw.


When was the last time I was caught by the newness and excitement of something seemingly normal in my daily life? Having a three-year old in the home opens my eyes to wonder in new ways. As she is struck with wonder in the things around her, I am reminded to pause and look for the wonder in my life. God has placed wondrous things all around and am I too busy to see them or do I see things fresh over and over again? Am I pausing to watch the sunset, or am I distracted with dishes and bedtime stories? Do I notice the beauty alongside the road as we drive, or am I distracted with all I have to do for the day? Am I enjoying the flavors of my dinner (juicy chicken, freshly cooked spring veggies, and Thai Jasmine rice, for example), or am I just shoveling food in as I try to make sure that my child eats some chicken with her rice?

There is definitely wonder in these two!

Wonder is found everywhere, all around us. I want to see more of the beautiful, more of the wondrous around me this spring.

What are some of the wondrous things in your life right now?