One Mom's View

Raising my daughter around the world

Ellie Turns 3! March 24, 2014

Filed under: Family,Toddler — swimntina @ 11:07 am

I haven’t blogged in a while. Life has been busy, and I get to the end of my day tired and with little energy to sit down and write. But I don’t want to let blogging fall by the wayside again. Ellie’s birthday seems like the perfect excuse to start back up again.

Ellie turned 3 on March 10. Let me start by saying that Ellie really gets this whole birthday thing now. She has waited in anticipation for her birthday since mine back in October. On the morning of her birthday, my husband and I asked if we could sing her “Happy Birthday” when she just woke up. Her response was classic. “Let’s go open presents!” Well, she had to wait until later for that, but I made her a special breakfast and invited Nana and Poppy to join us.

We got Disney Passes for Christmas and have been waiting to go our first time for something special. Since Andy and I had been away at a young adults retreat (we were the overseers) the weekend before Ellie’s birthday, Andy got the day off of work and we surprised Ellie by taking her to Disneyland. Her current favorite ride is “the horsie one,” also known as the carousel. Dumbo takes a close second, though. After a thoroughly fun but exhausting day we stopped at Ellie’s favorite fast food place for dinner, McDonalds.

Take a look at how this birthday girl has grown since her birth with a picture taken every year on March 10.

2011: Newborn

2012: 1 year old

2013: 2 years old


One Response to “Ellie Turns 3!”

  1. Dawn Says:

    How time flies! Nice pictures and update. Thanks. So glad Ellie likes to celebrate–me, too! They change/grow up so quickly. Enjoy!

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